Blue Cheese


Blue Cheese is an indica cross created by crossing a Blueberry male with an original U.K. Cheese (a Skunk #1 phenotype) female. The sweet and savory smells of berry and blue cheese combine to create a creamy, unique flavor reminiscent of the original Cheese. The heavy effects will help you feel relaxed at the end of the day and can provide relief for muscle spasmspain, and stress.


blue cheese auto strain uk

blue cheese auto strain, Seeds was the first to cultivate Blue Cheese. The breeders had perfected a phenotype of the UK-born Cheese and decided to cross a female with another Blueberry x Big Buddha Cheese hybrid male. Thus, Blue Cheese gained its name more for its heritage than its aroma or taste.

What Is Blue Cheese Weed?

As we mentioned earlier, the Cheese family is actually a group of cannabis strains that were originally bred in the United Kingdom. Of course, as breeders are always trying to get a bit more creative, they added little ‘genetic twists’ here and there to the traditional and unique Cheese strain – one of which ended up being the now-famous Blue Cheese.

A cross between parent plants UK Cheese (hybrid) and Blueberry (indica), the result was a hearty strain packed full of THC – as well as that traditional cheesy aroma.

Unofficially, Blue Cheese marijuana is classified as an indica, with a roughly 80% indica and 20% sativa genetic profile. Unlike most traditional indicas, though, the high from Blue Cheese weed won’t hit you like a ton of bricks. Instead, it almost washes over the body, bringing overall relief with an immense variety of therapeutic benefits.

THC levels of Blue Cheese weed typically reach around the 20% mark, so certainly this isn’t the strongest of strains that we have reviewed here at WayofLeaf. However, this girl definitely makes it on the charts for a ganja type that’s a real hitter – don’t underestimate The Big Cheese, unless you want to pay the consequences.

Many seed banks have produced their own version of Blue Cheese weed over the years, which explains the widespread distribution of this funky little strain.

Big Buddha Seeds, for instance, is often credited with bringing a perfected Blue Cheese strain to the commercial market. Additionally, Royal Queen Seeds and Barney’s Farm, both based out of the Netherlands, have produced their own varieties of Blue Cheese, with growers often trusting these two breeders for access to top-quality seeds.

Blue Cheese Review: Aroma, Flavor, and Appearance

Probably the number one most defining factor of Blue Cheese cannabis is its intriguing aroma and flavor, which is oddly reminiscent of, you guessed it… actual cheese. In fact, the aftertaste produces a slight sourness much like that of Parmesan or Gouda.

Blue Cheese brings about another palatable twist, however, as it features notes of blueberry fruitiness that seem to become especially apparent when inhaled.

Unlike the aroma, the flavor of Blue Cheese is on the sweeter side, with most of the sourness pulling an escape act during the combustion process. Inhalation is typically sweet and delicious, with exhalation becoming musky, earthy, and sometimes spicy (but always pungent).

Appearance-wise, the Blue Cheese strain has a subtle blueish-purple undertone, with the sugar leaves exposing angelic-like hues of pastel violets.

Overall, the buds are pretty resin-coated, producing a glistening and sugary appearance that can make any stoner’s mouth water with anticipation.

The flowers of Blue Cheese weed are typically various shades of yellow/green and contain streaks of sandy orange pistils (fine hairs) that are ultra curly and tightly wound.

blue cheese auto strain

The water leaves are usually a wide range of colors, presenting themselves as any shade from deep green to deep purple, causing the variety of hues for this strain to be especially prominent. All in all, this is a strain that’s as visually appealing as it is palatable.

Blue Cheese Marijuana Grow Info

All of the beginner cannabis growers out there can take a massive sigh of relief because Blue Cheese weed is thankfully a pretty simple strain to cultivate.

This strain is naturally resistant to mold, which is always a plus because Blue Cheese actually thrives the most outdoors in cold climates, hence its original UK roots. Colder climates, like those in England, tend to also mean increased humidity, which can lead to mold and powdery mildew problems.

Due to its natural resistance to mold, powdery mildew, bugs, pests and more, however, Blue Cheese growers won’t have to lose sleep over their crops becoming destroyed by an onset of inclement weather – or an invasion of tiny little microscopic pests.

Unlike some indicas, Blue Cheese weed is pretty average in height, with stems that usually spread out and stretch far and wide.

The Blue Cheese strain has a fairly short flowering period, at only 8-9 weeks, with outdoor harvest falling around the end of September – sooner than typical harvests which are usually around October.

blue cheese auto strain

The short flowering period can be a plus, meaning more harvest seasons per year (if you choose to cultivate indoors). Whether deciding to grow indoors or outdoors, the yield amount from either environment does not differ so drastically, which is good news for those who maybe don’t live in the right region for growing Blue Cheese weed outside.

Indoor crops grow well using hydroponics and also soil growth techniques, so there is quite some freedom for those cultivating this crop. Indoor yields are typically around 18 ounces per square meter, with outdoor yields only becoming slightly greater at 19 ounces per plant.

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Blue Cheese Review: Mind + Body Effects

Blue Cheese cannabis has a notorious tendency for making relaxation a breeze, immediately settling down anyone that tries this dynamic strain – expect to feel elevated as happiness overwhelms your mind and body.

The come-up for this weed is gradual, though, so don’t expect to be hit drastically with all these out-of-the-ordinary feelings. Rather, your change in brain chemicals and decrease in body stress levels will seem natural, as the relaxation creeps up upon you slowly – washing over your entire soul as needed.

Euphoria and pure bliss are characteristic of the Blue Cheese high, making it an ideal nighttime strain.

Euphoria and pure bliss are characteristic of the Blue Cheese high, making it an ideal nighttime strain for those who are trying to take it easy after a long, demanding day.

By the end of the high, you’ll likely experience sedative-like, sleepy feelings that will encourage you to lay your head down for a tranquil night’s rest. All in all, Blue Cheese cannabis does know exactly how to bring about bliss for its consumers, easing them on a journey through positivity and elation.

Medical Benefits of Blue Cheese Weed

One of the quintessential strains for managing chronic stress levels, lack of appetitechronic pain, and insomnia, Blue Cheese weed has medicinal effects that are typically characteristic of indica strains. However, this strain usually does not cause immediate onset of a desire for sleep, but rather comes on mildly as the high progresses.

Most patients that use Blue Cheese for pain choose to consume a dose that is larger than average, in order to maximize the healing benefits of its effects.

Patients with psychological conditions can also discover real relief from the Blue Cheese strain, as individuals suffering from depressionPTSDADHD, and anxiety have all found helpful, potentially life-changing amounts of therapy.

Possible Negative Effects of Blue Cheese

Although the Blue Cheese strain has a sizeable THC content, due to its calming and serene indica genetics it does not tend to produce THC-induced paranoia or anxiety for consumers that are prone to this occurring.

This is of course great news for all, as it makes Blue Cheese a suitable strain for a wide variety of individuals – and greater diversity in the marijuana world is usually a positive thing.

blue cheese auto strain

Primarily, consumers of Blue Cheese have reported cottonmouth (dry mouth) and dry eyes, which is, of course, typical of most any ganja strain. Both of these negative side effects are manageable with a little extra preparation, as you can drink plenty of hydrating fluids before, during and after your high, and also keep moisturizing eye drops close on hand.

Final Thoughts: Blue Cheese Strain Review

This pleasant indica strain has left a real mark on the cannabis community, traveling almost halfway across the globe to California, where it has become a favorite of both patients and ‘cannaisseurs’ alike.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this Blue Cheese strain review, and that you not only found it to be entertaining but also educational and informative. Genetic ‘Cheese’ strains are an absolute must-try for anyone who’s serious about their cannabis consumption, and we have a feeling this one will end up being one of your all-time favorites if you manage to get your hands on a quality phenotype.


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Blue Cheese